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Thursday, November 15, 2007


OK so I just had to pay almost 450 dollars for 150 gallons of oil for my house and I seriously about to have a panic/heart attack. Between this and ever rising gas prices I am so pissed off. And who am I pissed at mostly? MYSELF!!! Yeah I said myself because I helped contribute to this problem that so many are having now. I too was fooled into voting for this man we call President. I feel so stupid and so lame and Im not ashamed to admit it. I did vote for him for reasons that I still feel strongly about but I had no idea how much my vote was going to hurt, and hurt my pocket. I just feel like I let myself down and know and paying for it hard! So yeah Im taking responsibility for my actions and kicking myself in the but!


BlueRing said...

I really dont lik him hes so..blech!!but yeah ur right..before I was lik ill start working and save for my im lik save half for car and half for gas because its so frigging moms always lik plannin her day so she doesnt waste so much gas..quite funny but needed..

Vicky said...

my response to this, is yeah it sucks but if you think by pres bush getting out of office the "oil crisis" is going to suddenly go away, you are sadly mistaken. It wont, oil is money, money is power, we have gotten away with it already, why would we stop. Bush has done alot of things that people think aren't right, however he is still the pres, that used to mean something to people, sad if you ask me.

BlueRing said...

how opiniated of u..but comppletly rue in every way..

Vicky said...

yes very opinated for sure, and I can be i am her sis.

Anonymous said...

Bush is wack! It is very interesting because some time ago, Dusty and I had this discussion on her voting for Bush. Remember that Dusty? Remember the disgust I uttered when you told me that you voted for that God-awful man!? You meant well and I know that. You have a heart of gold, but Bush does not and he has yet to do what is best for the American people. He is murderous, greedy, and a crook.

All politicians are liars as far I am concerned which is why I do not vote, but if you are going to lie while in office, make sure it at least keeps our country war-free and the gas prices low. I remember back in '98 before I moved out of Louisa, gas used to be $.98 per gallon for regular and even when I moved to Northern, Virginia, it was just over a $1.00 and I thought that was a lot, but I would kill for those gas prices now. LOL.
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BlueRing said...

WOW!!!and I thought Vicky was opinionated..jajaja just kidding, but yeah I dont vote either because I think human overall can't be trusted to be in control of the world..They promise peace and no more __(fill in the blank)...but it never happends because no human can do that, only God so yeah..Not that I can vote cuz Im only 14 but even if I could, I wouldnt...

dustlynn said...

I do think that it is important for us to vote though. I think that if we are ever going to get someone in office that we agree with then we have to learn from our mistakes but keep on keeping on. :)

BlueRing said...

the thing is that u never know wut soon to be president is a lying rat and that hes real bad..and anyways...all gonna be presidents want the same thing and that just makes the world not a better place because they cant help but be imperfect humans(us too)so they fail at being good presidents and good nation leaders and we fail to learn we cant govern ourselves..if one human leads another yeah they wont get very far..thats why i rather not vote for anyone and be neutral bout political things.

Anonymous said...

MANOLA-some of the things that i read in your last post would lead me to believe that you have dabbled in the verses of the bible. that is very good that your thoughts of our imperfect governmental system is based on your knowledge of the bible. kudos to you!

DUSTY-i can appreciate you wanting to find the best in our presidential hopefuls, but you should truly not place your hope in them. you say that you believe in god and that you rely on him, well that being the case, there is no reason to believe that a fellow human that is just as imperfect as you and i will bring about the peaceful conditions that we all seek to have.
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BlueRing said...

Yeah I did..I think that if were all humans were never gonna get anywhere w/out god because we werent intended to in the first place so..pretty much wut i said before and wut u just wrote..
thats cool how u noticed..

dustlynn said...


I dont believe that any human can bring us true peace, no. I do believe that only God can do that. But I guess what my hope is that we will have a president that is a Godly man. One who believes in God and does what is right and good based on the teachings in the Bible. Maybe you are right in one way but do you think that in a world like today the US would survive with no one to lead them at all? With all the crazy ass people out in the world I dont think we would survive without some representation. Definitely makes me think. You always do that to me, xoxox.

Manola~ Thanks for all your comments. You should very mature for a 14 year old. Very cool.

Vicky~I do think we do need to have respect for our President but I am beginning to think that he doesnt deserve it if he aint showing it. Love ya!

BlueRing said...

thanks..and thanks for ur comments too. I get wut u mean when u say we need some representation, but i dont think some godly man will come into politics because they probably think like we do that we shouldnt govern ourselves so why would they go in if they truly belive in god, unless theyr just pretending..and if they truly belive in god theyd know that he wants us to stay neutral bout politics, they bible says so so theyd be a fake beliver and run(that means hes willing to lie to us and take power just to gain control and fame and then bring us down lik every other president) or he doesnt run because he knows wuts right(then ur hopes and dreams arent exactly realistic because no godly man would run..)thats wut i think at leats,nothing u know defensive or w/e but just opinionated me giving my feisty opinion..jaja just kidding

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Im 27 years old and live in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Im a full time mommy with two beautiful little girls.