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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Who doesnt love the cha cha slide???? Even my two little girls do it and love it! McDonalds definitely has a memorable commercial with this one! So funny!

McDonalds Cha Cha Slide

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This is a funny poem but it rings true in so many ways. Wal*Mart is definitely not what it once was. Sam Walton would not like it one bit to see it now....

Twas the night before Halloween, when all through the store,Customers came in dressed in costumes, from Vampires to Crackwhores.The remaining Halloween items were stocked on the shelf without care,Most of it thrown on the floor, like a bunch of retards had shopped there.The associates were working, all snug in there polos and khakis,Their old blue vests recycled into underwear, donated to overseas soldiers and Iraqis.My Store Manager proud of the generous deed Wal-Mart had done,Me thinking of the shit-stains on the old blue vests, from soldiers with the runs.When up at the service desk there arose such a clatter,A woman wanting to return sweatpants, because they made her fat ass look even fatter.Her children were crying and screaming and running,The woman so obese, that she walked kind of funny.The CSM ran up to the entrance and got an electric shopping cart,With a seat that smelled like urine, and disabled peoples' farts."You'll be more comfortable in this", she said, "And you can relax as you roam,We'll gladly give you a refund, just please leave the poor service desk associate alone".The fat woman relented, and sat in the chair,"Okay kids we're going to Womens Wear, so mommy can buy some thong underwear.On Frankie, on Bobby, on Susie and Cass,If you kids don't behave I'm gonna paddle your ass!"Her chair started forward, with a groan and a stutter,"I don't think that electric cart is gonna make it", a cashier quietly muttered.She rode off through Softlines, knocking clothes onto the ground,"Kids go shoplift mommy some candy bars, just make sure no employees are around".On the roof above my department, I heard a strange noise,So I went and got the associate that was working in toys.The roof hatch was ripped open, with a metal-scraping sound,And down the ladder into the store, came Sam Walton with a bound.His flesh was all rotten, his eyes empty black pits,"I've come back from the dead", he cackled, "To torment you lazy shits".A bag full of coaching forms, was slung over his back,"You assholes have ruined my company, and I'm here to take it back!""We work hard", we responded, "It's the Home Office you should haunt,We bust our asses for this company, Lee Scott's the asshole that you want.Your company is being run by idiots and by fools,They come up with incredibly stupid ideas, and incomprehensibly stupid rules"."Wage caps, no merit raises, store managers that treat us like slaves,We do the work of three people, while every second of overtime must be shaved.We have no cashiers, no stockers, but still do a hundred-million in sales,We run around like rats, with managements' foot on our tails.Mr. Sam let out a roar, "This was never my plan.Respect for the individual, every woman, every man!Everyone used to work together, morale was so high,I'll tear out Lee Scott's heart, and laugh as I watch him die!""I'll show up with Ol' Roy at the next Stakeholders' Meeting,He'll bite every executive on the ass, while I give them a beating.Then I'll go find my spoiled children, and scream 'What have you done?'Hoarding all my hard-earned money, while the associates get none!""Then I'll put someone in charge, who cares about the associates that do all the work,And health coverage everyone can afford, from management to sales clerk.And we're going to pay a decent wage, so the stores can all be fully staffed",When he saw the disbelief on our faces, he floated back to the roof with a laugh.He threw down two pins, saying "It aint much but it's a start",Then we heard the roaring of his pickup truck, and what had to be Ol' Roy's bark.We looked at the pins, showing sparkling letters in bold,Stating "Every employee is a treasure, more valuable than gold".Sam drove off the roof, his pickup flying through the air,Setting a course for Arkansas, and the Home Office located there.I thought I heard him yell, his voice drifting away,"Ol' Roy get my shotgun, hunting season opens today".I looked at my coworker, was it all just a dream?Did I eat some tainted beef, that made things different than they seemed?The associate looked back at me, mouth widening in a grin,And attached to her name badge, Sam's gift of the pin.The lights all went out, over the intercom I heard that familiar voice,"This is Mr. Sam, and I appreciate that working for Wal-Mart was your choice.Things are going to be different, now that Mr. Sam's back in town,I'm going to reward you all for your hard work, I promise I won't let you down"."They'll be no more crap from China, we're bringing back Made in the USA,It may cost a little more, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.We're not going to build anymore stores, until the ones we have are running well, And if the Board of Directors don't like it, I'll send them all to Hell".Then the lights came back on, seeming to burn brighter than before,And that old familiar face was back, traveling through the store.The big yellow Smiley-face, bringing happiness and cheer,Slashing the prices, from tampons to beer."It's good to have you back", I called with a grin,He said, "I wanted to come back, but Lee Scott wouldn't let me in".He distributed to all the associates, the same pin I got from Mr. Sam,To the management he gave, Creamed Shit-in-a-can.We all went back to work, with a new lightness in our step,Our future seemed brighter, maybe there was hope for Wal-Mart yet.The fat lady in the electric cart and her kids, then exited the store out of sight,Her kids' pockets full of shoplifted candy, their Trick or Treating for the night."Run Frankie, run Bobby, run Susie, run Cass! If you get caught by security, it's Juvenile Hall for your ass!"They all climbed into a minivan and sped away, rejoicing in their luck,They then ran through a red light, and were hit by a Wal-Mart truck.


Each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

7 Facts about me:

1. Im a mom to two little girls named Bridget (6) and Emily (5)
2. I work at Wal*Mart at the moment.
3. I have an associates degree in Business Management/Admin
4. I am a neat freak, seriously like OCD!
5. I love kids and working with them.
6. I keep a book where I write stories and poems.
7. I am a worrier, I worry all the time about everything.

People I am tagging: (this will be hard since I only know 2 people on here)
1. Vicky

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Innocent until someone "thinks" it was you!

I was reading this article about this man named Willie "Pete" Williams and my jaw dropped. This man was wrongly convicted of a crime and served 20 years in prison! His nightmare started when he was 23 years old and had been pulled over one night. He had no idea that his life was about to be over before it had a chance to really blossom. They questioned and arrested him under beliefs that he was an area rapist who had struck the area 3 weeks earlier. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison for a crime he didnt commit. There were 3 eyewitnesses who said that it was Pete that they had seen. Due to this he lost 20 years of his life before DNA proved that it was not him. This is so crazy! I cant imagine being pulled over and then taken to prison right after that for something that I had no hand in!! This man is truely a strong man because he says now he is not angry anymore. He is letting the anger go and getting on with his life.......and to me deserves some major compensation for this unimaginable wrongdoing. I know that it can not make up for what has been taken from him but it is a start in the right direction. I cant believe this could happen to an innocent man when we cant seem to find the real killers and rapists in this world!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


So there are some things in my life that I am really saddened by. One is my marriage and two is my own self esteem. I know that they are both linked by the same thread. When I was younger I felt like I was never good enough to be loved and I think that feeling came from my dad not loving me like a father should. I just felt like he didnt care about me and that I wasnt good enough for him to straighten up. Since then I have always had issues with feeling like I am worth loving and caring about. My self esteem is really low and I think that it has been for a long time. I am just very lonely and feel like I dont matter sometimes. I know that I do matter to my children though and that is what I hold on to for dear life. I am so glad that they are in my life.
My marriage is also a large part of my pain. I feel like sometimes there is no hope and no reason to keep going with it. I want a loving family for my daughters to grow up in, so that they can feel safe and secure but I do not want to teach them that it is ok for someone to constantly hurt them. I had heard the saying that sometimes love isnt enough and I am truely beginning to feel that way. I was always a huge romantic and dreamed about marriage when I was young and now it just seems to be just that a dream. I just want someone to love me, to hold me, to tell me and show me that they love me. And another thing I have come to want is RESPECT! I want someone to respect me and to care about my feelings and act like they know wrong from right. I am just really lost and confused and very very unhappy right now. So if this sounds like a ramble, it is. Much like my life it doesnt make a lot of sense.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Want to Throw Up!


OK so the name just maked me sick to my stomach. After hearing about this man and seeing him on America's Most Wanted I was praying that he would be caught soon before some other child was hurt. He is charged with 23 felonies including sexual acts and videotaping of a 3 year old little girl! HE is disgusting and deserves to be taken out in the woods, shot somewhere like both legs and left to be eaten by animals and to die a slow and painful death. I know that is a little much but he makes me sick! What the hell is wrong with a man or anyone who could do something like this to an innocent child?!?!?! As a mother, this scared me to death for it to be reconfirmed to me as to how sick some people are in this world. And from interviews from neighbors and his own son, he was nice and never showed any signs of this so that makes it that much more scarey! I hope that this man gets what he deserves and one way or another he will! Now maybe the families affected by this monster can have some sort of peace.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Down and out

So today I was off from work and didnt do much other than clean which is what I always do when I am off. This evening however I took one of my neighbors to a local food pantry. She has three small children and her husband recently lost his job so they are in need of some help right now. She asked me if I would give her a ride and I said that I would be happy to. I told her that I didnt know where it was but she gave me directions, so we went. Anyway it was located at a church downtown, which I dont really go to very much. So we got there at 6:30 and went into the building. Come to find out it didnt open up until 7 but there was already a line when we got there so we got in it and waited.
Well we are standing there and I am looking around and my heart just starts breaking and I feel so badly for some of these people. I mean I know that there are people everywhere who need help but to stand in line with them and to hear them speaking about their situations is very humbling. It was so sad to see some of them that looked like they had not had a bath in who knows how long and the clothes they were wearing were dirty and falling apart. I just stood there and started praying, asking God to please help them in their situations, to watch over them wherever they go and asking for forgiveness for myself. I am always stressing out about bills and money and to see these people and be in their prescence I felt so blessed with my life. Sure I have my problems and needs but I have a place to lay my head at night, clean clothes, a hot shower, healthy and happy daughters, a husband and food to eat. I am so thankful for what God has given me and I realize that I dont say it or show it enough. I was truly blessed tonight and I thank God for everything he has given me. AMEN!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Salt N Pepa

Who didnt listen to Salt n Pepa back in the day? I listened to all of their songs and knew all the words by heart. They were so awesome and broke down a lot of barriers with their music. So what happened to them? I didnt know what had become of them I just thought that they had gone out of style just like a lot of good music does. But tonight I was watching VH1 and saw that they have recently decided to try again with their music. I am so excited and can not wait to see if they put out anything new or make it together. For now you can check them out on VH1 with The Salt n Pepa show. I watched it tonight and it was really good. I am really looking forward to the next episode. So you all should definitely check it out.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

What should you do?

Ok so for you all that dont know I work at WalMart as a cashier/customer service/anything they need me for that day associate. The other day I was running a register when I heard some yelling. I naturally turned around and saw this group of handicapped people and their aides who reguarly come into the store. One of the handicapped girls was standing there and she was wanting something that the aides didnt think that she needed for whatever reason. She continued to scream and yell until one of them told her she needed to go and sit down until they were finished. The aide walked with her over to a bench right across from where I was. Everyone in my line was asking if she was alright because she continued screaming, Give it to me! Well then she started taking off her shoes and the aide told her she needed to put them back on. She got even more angry and threw her shoes across the way where they landed right beside me. I wasnt sure what to do because I was still waiting on a line of customers. So I went to get them but the aide was already en route.
The girl was then guided back to the register where the others were still checking out. She was still upset and began yelling more and then she pushed one of the aides against the register and began hitting her and pinching her. The aide became a little shaken and told the other one that she needed help. The girl then took off walking to the back of the line back to the candy wall of the store which would have been at the end of my line. She sat down and refused to get up but the whole time she was screaming, hitting the aides, and throwing things from the candy wall. Now it is a Saturday in WalMart and if you have been even close to one on that day then you know we are slammed. So everyone was staring at her and asking me and other associates to help her. And I was just lost because I didnt know what to do. I mean I felt terrible but I am not a trained aide and I have no idea anything about this lady or her condition. So what do I do?
Well I turned my light to blinking and told my manager that the aides had asked if we had any security or anything that could help them. Well the only thing that we could do was to get a police officer. So one was called and showed up along with the rescue squad. They finally had to load her onto a stretcher and carry her out.
So my question is what do you do in a situation like that? When you have people who are looking for you to do something that you have no idea what to do? Needless to say we had lots of complaints because "no one" would help her. I still wonder if I should have done something differently, but what?

Rub down included

People go to the dentist for many things all related to the care and maintenance of their teeth. SO what would you do if your dentist decided to become a little friendly with you? Recently a dentist in California was accused of fondling the breasts of 27 of his female patients. He says that he was treating TMJ, which causes neck and head pain........ok so what was he touching the breast area again for? The last time I checked my head and my neck was ABOVE my chest!
One of his patients claimed to wear tight and high necked shirts as to make it more difficult for him but he stil was able to get his hands under her shirt and bra. She claimed this happened over 6 times in 2 years. So Im thinking why didnt she change dentists? If some dude was touching my chest and up under my shirt then I sure wouldnt be going back to him. Makes you wonder about her and what she was thinking.
I think that this guy needs some serious help and to be smacked down. Who knows if this is all that he was doing to his female patients. Makes me sick to think about it!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sorry you aint!

Timbaland and One Republic ~~~ "Apologize"

I love this song.....I can listen to it over and over again. It has a great beat and really speaks to my heart. Its too late to apoligize....cant it really be too late for this? I think so because sometimes words are just words....they are empty with no meaning or feeling. And after a while you just get tired of hearing the same lame ass apology when there is no change in the person saying it! In the end, just like in the video the relationship whatever kind it is will just break up and end anyway. So when you say youre sorry, mean it and more importantly, SHOW IT!

Bye Bye Baby

Drug makers pulled medicine for infants (under 2) off the market this week. Just in time for cooler weather, parents will now have to look other places for relief from cold and coughs. For me I know that doctors have said that these medications do not actually help the child with the simple cold and cough. Rather it fills their little bodies with medicine that they do not actually need and in some cases has actually led to deaths from acidental overdose!

I think that this is long overdue and a great step for the FDA. Unless there is an infection then babies really just need to have good old-fashioned medicine to make them better. I wish that I had known what I know now when my kids were smaller and I wouldnt have wasted my time and money with these infant medications. Spend time instead making sure your baby is loved and take the money you would use and buy them a teddy bear or blanket when they arent feeling well. This goes a long way with babies who need a little extra TLC. Just think no more trying to pry their mouths open and forcing medicine down them. Maybe they knew all along :)

More about me

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Im 27 years old and live in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Im a full time mommy with two beautiful little girls.